Amount Sanctioned 5 crore for development schemes in 2015-2016

Subject: Sanction order for Grant – in – Aid

1. Sanctioning authority: Backward classes Welfare Department.
2. Name of the Grantee Institution: West Bengal KhambuRai Development Board
3. Address of the Grantee Institution:

4. Category of Grantee Institution: Statutory Bodies-2 (iii)
& Category No.
5. Amount Sanctioned: Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore) only for implementation of different development schemes in 2015-2016.

6. Name of the DDO (by Desgn.): District Magistrate, Darjeeling.
7. Department code: SC.
8. Name of Treasury/Pay & Accounts Office: Darjeeling Treasury
9. Nature of Grant:
Recurring or Non-recurring: Non-Recurring
Capital or Revenue: Revenue
[Detail Head – 31 or 35]: 31

10. Condition of Grant (U.C. required): Yes
11. Category of Grant (as per list): Other Grants – 02
12. Purpose of Grant (Only in case of ‘other’): For “ implementation of different developmental
schemes for the poor people of KhambuRai Community”.

13. An amount of Rs. 5,00,00,000/- is hereby allotted in the favour of the District Magistrate, Darjeeling,(Designation of DDO) from the Head of Account “ 2225 – Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes – 80 – General – 800 – Other Expenditure – SP –state – Plan (Annual Plan and xi-xii Plan) – 034 – Grant – in – aid to KhambuRai Development Board SC( Code: “07–SC-2225–80–800–SP–034–V–31–02”) in the Budget of the current financial year, 2015–16 and payable to Grantee Institution by A/c Payee Cheque.

14. Head of Account Code: “2225-80-800-SP-034-V-31-02”
15. Name of Scheme: State Plan.
16. The amount will be drawn in T.R Form No.: 31
[31/32 (in case of Non Govt. school / 43 (in case of Transfer credit))]

17. The Sanctioned amount will be payable to the Member Secretary, KhambuRai Development Board. (Name of Grantee Institution) by A/c Payee Cheque.

18. Any other information: Nil
19. This order issues with concurrence of Finance Department (budget)’s U.O.No. 3669 dtd 16.02.2016,re and with concurrence of Financial adviser vide his U.O.No.122/FA/TDD dated 18.02.2016.
20. The total amount is within 100% of the Budget Provision of the above mentioned Head of Account during 2015-16.
21. The Principal Account General, West Bengal/Treasury Officer, Darjeeling Treasury and others concerned are being informed.
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
[In case of sanction to a group of institutions, a separate list may be enclosed mentioning the name of the institutions and the amount against each institution mentioned as ‘List ensclosed’ against Sl. Nos. 2 and mention the total amount against Sl.No.5]
No. 175 – /1(14)-TW(Sanction)/6E-25/2014(Pt-I) Date: 18.02.2016

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1. The Principal Accountant General (General and Social Sector Audit), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata – 700001;
2. The Treasury Officer, Darjeeling Treasury.
3. The Member Secretary, KhambuRai Development Board,
4. The Accountant General(A&E), West Bengal,
Treasury Buildings, Kolkata – 700001;
5. The District Magistrate, Darjeeling; He is requested to act as D.D.O. in this respect.
6-7. The Financial Department (Gr.E& Gr. N) of this Government;
8. The Finance Advisor of this Department;
9. The Director, CRI;
10. The Private Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of West Bengal,
11. The Private Secretary to the Hon’ble Minister – in- Charge of this Department;
12. The Budget Section / Education |Cell of this Department.
13. The Website of this Department;
14. The Guard File of this Department.
Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Categories: Fund Received

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