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General Board Meeting of WBKRDB held

Darjeeling, March 21: General Body Meeting of West Bengal Khambu Rai Development Board members held at its new premises on March 21, 2018. The Meeting was presided over by Vice

Activities UC Non-Plan Utilisation Certificate

UC 15.38 lakh on February 12, 2018

Utilization Certificate (Non Plan) in respect of grand aid G.O. No. 239 of Rs. 15,38,000.00 submitted on February 12, 2018.

Activities Fund Non-Plan Fund Received

Non Plan Fund Received Rs. 3.94 Lakh on Feb. 23, 2018

Non Plan fund received of Rs. 3,94,000.00 as of G.O. No. 281(Sanction)NP/SC.6S-01/2016 (Pt II) dated February 23, 2018.  


WBKRDB shifts to new location

West Bengal Khambu Rai Development Board (WBKRDB) has been shifted to new location from H. D Lama Road, Chowkbazar to Bara Kakjhora (near Forest Office), Hill Cart Road, Darjeeling on